Welcome To Mulberry Street....
For over 30 years, and across 8 states, I have received government services for my adult daughter with disabilities. Whether the programs were funded by the county, state, or federal government, or driven by Medicaid, Mental Health, Brain Injury, or Developmental Disability, our family faced the same challenges. We’d fill out thousands of forms and open the door to outsiders entering our home and the government coming into our daughter’s care and life.
It was difficult to invite strangers into our home and allow them to care for our most priceless possession. Some workers were a blessing to my daughter. Some cared for her almost as much as we did. And, some didn’t belong in the disability field, her life, or our home.
I kept a log of the good workers, how they enriched my daughter’s life, and how they increased her potential to improve her future. I took those notes, our experiences, and knowledge and created Mulberry Street, a business directed specifically toward those with disabilities.
Mulberry Street serves individuals with disabilities, who are just like my daughter. Whether you choose an ISL, TBI program, Personal Assistance Service, Home Modification or you simply need to connect to other families, we are here to transform your government program into a better life for your loved one. We will provide you the best possible support, advocacy, and resources. Stop in and see how good life can be for you on Mulberry Street.
To begin, simply print out the Mulberry Street Intake Form and answer the questions. When you have completed the form, email Mulberrystreetinfo@yahoo.com or phone Mulberry Street at 816.228.1795. We'll begin the referral process to the appropriate government, and agency, programs and services. Download Form....
If you are already receiving services from the Missouri Department of Mental Health, Missouri Division of Developmental Disabilities, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Missouri DHSS Special Health Care Needs, Missouri DHSS Adult Head Injury, or any Missouri County Senate Bill 40 Board and would like to choose Mulberry Street as the provider for your services, please phone our office.
Contact Us....108 SE Mount Vernon Dr.Suite CBlue Springs, Missouri 64014816.228.1795 (Office)816.228.9959 (Fax)mulberrystreetinfo@yahoo.com |
Living At Home (ISL)
Non-facility based residential living which provides support to an individual in their own residence.
Need Assistance?
Allows a consumer to live in their natural home, and community, and receive personal care giving.
Personal Support
Association created for companionship, support, and connections, between adults, and families, affected by disability.
For Brain Injuries
Assists persons with TBI in obtaining the necessary supports to continue to live within their natural community.
Home Accessibility
DMH and Medicaid approved home modifications.