The Governor’s Council on Disability
is pleased to announce the
2004 Missouri State
“Bob Aldridge
Advocate of the Year”
Diane Mack.
You are cordially invited to attend a
Reception in recognition and honor of Diane’s efforts and her successful inclusion of people with
Presentation will be given by Rob Honan,
Executive Director,
Governor’s Council on Disability
December 10th, 2004
10:30 AM to 12:00 Noon
11:00 AM
The reception will be held at
The Children’s Place
2 E 59th Street
Kansas City, Missouri
Directions: 59th and Brookside Blvd.
Take 71 Highway to 59th Street and turn west.
Travel approximately 2 miles until you see
The Children’s Place with a large green teddy bear
in front of a green brick building.